Thursday, March 6, 2014

Juliet's like soliloquy like OMG


For this post I decided to take Juliet's soliloquy and not only put it into a more modern translation, but use how I think Juliet would have sounded. So, here goes. 

(to be read in a valley girl voice)

Goodbye, I don't know if we will ever see each other again. Something feels wrong like this plan isn't going to work the way we want it to. I need advice. Maybe the nurse can help me. She might be able to tell me what to do.  But this is a different situation. I have to do this alone. Where is that poison? Here it is. What if this doesn't even work, like that would totes ruin the plan. I'd have to get married to that jerk Paris. No way I'm letting that happen. I guess the poison the friar game me might work, but what if I actually end up dead? He can't marry me to Paris cause he already married me to Romeo right? I'd think so cause that's totes against some sort of law. Ugh OMG what if im stuck in the tomb? That would suck. I bet it smells down there and there's no air. Why would they even need air when everyone down there is dead anyways. I'm probably gonna suffocate. Even if I don't its dark and creepy. And old. And it's not like it's all old bones and stuff there's fresh bodies too like Tybalt. I bet he reeks. He always did when he was alive. And we can't forget about the ghosts. If I wake up in there alone they'll probably scare me to death. They'll like scream at me or something. I'll probably go cray cray before someone finds me. I'll like talk to the corpses or something. Or start hallucenagating. I think that's what it's called when you see funny things. Ugh I'd probs do something stupid and bash my head in on a  tombstone. Hey maybe I'll see Tybalt and he'll try to get revenge on Romeo. I guess I should be really mad at Romeo but he's sooooo cute! To heck with the risks he's hot. A toast to you Romeo and I hope to see you soon and not dead. 

(This soliloquy is taken from Act Four, Scene Three, Lines 14-60)



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